Winter All-Round Club Championship

The Winter all round club Championship was held at Meary Veg, Santon with 22 competitors taking part in very windy but dry conditions.

The first two disciplines DTL and Pro sporting were shot first and the leader at this stage was B class shooter George Davies on 130 points in second place on 128 was Paul Mihailovits with Stan Cross and Peter Kelly in equal third place on 125. In fifth place on 123 was junior Michael Cross with John Moore making up the top six on 122.

The last discipline English skeet was next which was shot in reverse order and with the wind getting even stronger good scores were hard to come by. In C class third place went to Joseph Lapa on 89 points, in second place on 131 was Will Rand but taking first place on 136 was Arthur Stepka. In equal sixth place overall and equal third place in A class were Dave Corlett and Juan Cowley who missed low house seven for a straight on 177, in fourth place overall and second in A was John Moore on 188, in third place overall and first in A class was Paul Mihailovits with 191 points. Second place overall was B class shooter Michael Cross on 192 but top of the pile and Winter club all round Champion, with his new gun, was B class shooter George Davies – well done George!


A Class

  1. P Mihailovits (63, 65, 63 = 191)
  2. J Moore (66, 68, 54 = 188)
  3. D Corlett (60, 63, 54)
    J Cowley (72, 60, 45 = 177)

B Class

  1. G Davies (63, 67, 63 = 193)
  2. M Cross (69, 66, 57 = 192)
  3. J Corkill (63, 51, 57 = 171)

C Class

  1. A Stepka (54, 55, 27 = 136)
  2. W rand (48, 47, 36 = 131)
  3. J Lapa (30, 32, 27 = 89)

High Gun

  • G Davies 63 ES, 67 DTL, 63PS = 193

Next week is a come and try it day for anybody wanting to come and have a go at clay shooting the cost is £5 for 15 shots with all equipment coaching supplied, so come along and have a go, it is also a work party to get the range ready for the Summer season.