DTL League, Round 4
The fourth round of the Tower Insurance DTL League was held at Meary Veg, Santon, with 21 competitors taking part in near ideal conditions.
The leader after the first round was Mike Walker with 71 points, in second place on 69 were Stan Cross and Alan Wright with Peter Kelly and Ted Kermeen next on 67 and making up the top six were Jack Clague and Brian Faragher on 65.
After the second round Mark Barnett finished in third place in C class on 115 with Rob Marshall taking second in C on 124 but winning C class with 126 points was Alan Wright. Giulio Fabrizio was third in B class with 128 points but we had a tie for first place between Stan Cross and junior Joe Faragher on 132 points.
We also had a tie for third place in A class between junior Arran Wade and John Moore on 133 points, one point ahead on 134 in second place was Peter Kelly but taking the high-gun and a class with 142 points was Mike Walker.
A Class
- M walker (48 / 142)
- P Kelly (46 / 134)
- J Moore (47 / 133)
Arr Wade (J) (45 / 133)
B Class
- J Faragher (J) (45 / 132)
- S Cross (45 / 132)
- G Fabrizio (44 / 128)
C Class
- A Wright (43 / 126)
- R Marshall (44 / 124)
- M Barnett (40 / 115)
ABT League, Round 5
In the afternoon the fifth round of the Sadler Agricultural Supplies ABT League was held and the winner was Alan Wade with a well shot 48 but only one behind on 47 were Stan Skinner and Mike Walker with Phil Ward in forth place on 46 followed by Robert Watterson in fifth place on 45 and making up the top six was Peter Kelly on 44. The handicap winner was Orry Watterson with 57 points.
High Gun
- A Wade (24, 24 = 48)
- M Walker (23, 24 = 47)
S Skinner (23, 24 = 47)
- O Watterson (32, 25 = 57)
Olympic Skeet, Round 5
Also taking place was the fifth round of the Manx Petroleum’s Olympic Skeet League and the winner was Stan Cross with 35 points, in second place on 32 was junior Ted Davis with another junior Joe Faragher in third place on 31. We had a tie in the handicap section between Brian Faragher and Giulio Fabrizio both on 59 points.
High Gun
- S Cross (17, 18 = 35)
- T Davis (J) (14, 18 = 32)
- J Faragher (J) (14, 17 = 31)
- G Fabrizio (29 + 20 = 49)
B Faragher (26 + 23 = 49)