Icy Sporting at Meary Veg

Winter Pro Sporting League, Round 2

The second round of the Winter Series Pro Sporting league kindly sponsored by Brian Faragher was held at Meary Veg Santon in dry calm but cold conditions.

The leader after the first layout was trap shooter Rob Watterson on 22 points with Paul Mihailovits and B class Michael Cross in equal second place on 21 followed by Will Rand, Peter Kelly and John Moore on 19. The leading C class shooter was David Morgan on 18 with grandson Zac Bellhouse second on 15.

The second layout on the right hand range saw the scores increase for most except David Morgan who finished in third place in C class on 32, junior Zac Bellhouse was in second place on 36 but taking C class with 36 points was Mark Sweetman who scored 24 on his second round. In B class junior Joe Faragher was third on 40 with his dad Brian beating him by one to take second place on 42 with Michael Cross taking B class with 44 points. In A class we had a tie for third place between John Moore and Peter Kelly on 41 with Rob Watterson taking second place on 44 but the star of the show on the day was Paul Mihailovits who hit all 25 targets in his second round to take first in A class and high gun overall on 46 points – well shot Paul.


Class A

  1. P Mihailovits (46)
  2. R Watterson (44)
  3. J Moore (43)

Class B

  1. M Cross (44)
  2. B Faragher (41)
  3. J Faragher (J) (40)

Class C

  1. M Sweetman (37)
  2. Z Bellhouse (J) (36)
  3. D Morgan (32)
P Kelly, R Watterson, P Mihailovits, M Cross, B Faragher, M Sweetman, Z Bellhouse, D Morgan, J Faragher, J Moore

Next week is the pre Christmas shoot shot over 20 Skeet Doubles, 20 Double Rise & 20 Pro Sporting which also includes a drawn team event. A, B, & C class meat prizes sponsored by the club, entries close at 10am.