DTL League, Round Four
The fourth round of the Tower Insurance DTL league was held at Meary Veg Santon in near perfect weather conditions which also had the Ian Faragher Highgun cup up for grabs.
The leader after the first round was junior Arran Wade with a perfect 25/75 straight, in second place on 71 points was Mike Walker with B class shooter George Davies in third place with 70 points, which was also a straight. The leading C class shooter at this stage was Jack Clague with 62 points.
After a short break the second round got under way and in C class Jack Clague finished in second place on 117 but winning C class with 120 points was Mike Whitehead. Rob Marshall was third in B class on 103 with Dave Corlett taking second place on 111 but winning B class by a country mile was George Davies with 130 points. Third place in A class was Mark Riley on 134 with Arran Wade taking second place on 139 but top of the class with 145 points and a straight in his second round was Mike Walker who also won the Ian Faragher Highgun Cup.
Class A
- M Walker (49 /145)
- Arr Wade (J) (47/139)
- M Riley (46/134)
Class B
- G Davies (46/130)
- D Corlett (38/111)
- R Marshall (36/103)
Class C
- M Whitehead (42/120)
- J Clague (42/117)
Full Results
ABT League, Round 4
The forth round of the Sadler Agricultural Supplies ABT league was held in the afternoon and the leader after the first round was junior Arran Wade again on 24 with Stan Skinner, Alan Wade and making a return to clay shooting Dave Walton on 23.
After the second round Dave Walton hit another 23 to finish in third place on 46 but we had a tie for first place between Stan Skinner and Alan Wade on 47.
- A Wade (23,24)
- S Skinner (23,24)
- D Walton (23,23)
Full Results
Olympic Skeet League, Round Four
The fourth round of the Manx Petroleum’s Olympic skeet league was also held and the winner was James Bradley with 40 points and tying for second place on 36 were Dave Corlett and Giulio Fabrizio.
- J Bradley (22, 18)
- D Corlett (21, 15)
- G Fabrizio (19, 17)