Down the Line Manx Championship, 13 July
The IOM DTL Championship sponsored by Sadler Agricultural supplies was held at Meary Veg Santon with 17 competitors taking part in near ideal conditions.
The leader after the first round was Arron Wade with a perfect 25/75, in second place with a 25/74 was Mike Walker with Liam Kirkpatrick and Neil Parsons in equal third place on 25/72. Liam Kirkpatrick was in the lead after round two after another straight to lead on 50/147 with Mike Walker also with fifty straight on 50/146 with Neil Parsons in third place on 49/143 followed by Steven Craine in forth place on 49/142.
We had a new leader after round three in Walker on 74/218 with Parsons in second place on 74/2178 followed by Kirkpatrick in third place on 74/216, Craine was still in forth place on 73/214 with Wade next on 71/210 in fifth place.
First up in the last round was Parsons and he finished with another straight for 74 points to have a final total of 99/291, was this good enough well Kirkpatrick was next to shoot, and he had a perfect round of 25/75 to finish tied with Parsons on 99/291. Walker who was in the last squad had to hit a near perfect straight to take the Championship which he did in style to finish with 99/293 to take the title of IOM DTL Champion 2024 – well done Mike!
- M Walker (99 / 293)
- L Kirkpatrick (99 / 291)
- N Parsons (99 / 291)
- S Craine (98 / 285)
- Arr Wade (J) (95 / 279)
- M Riley (96 / 277)