Meary Veg Sporting Grand Prix, 28 July
The Meary Veg Sporting GP kindly sponsored by Irene Stockil was held at Meary Veg Santon with 24 competitors taking part over a very testing course of 12 stands. Due to the very misty weather conditions the start of the shoot had to be delayed for about an hour for it to clear enough to get started.
Once shooting got under way still in misty conditions the leaders after the first round was A class Michael Cross with 39 points, in second place on 35 was junior Zac Bellhouse who also led C class. The leading B class shooter at this stage was Liam Kirkpatrick on 31, the leading lady was Corina Moffat with 28 points with the leading vet being Paul Mihailovits on 33.
After a short break the second round got under way in bright sunshine over another set of 50 targets shot over six stands and at the end of the shoot we had the following results:
Neil Parsons was the winner of A class on 65 with Dave Corlett second on 63 but we had to have a shoot off for third place between Rob Corlett and Stan Cross who both shot 61 which Stan won by one target.
In B Class Liam Kirkpatrick was first on 66 with junior Joe Faragher taking second in B on 63, but again we had a tie for third place between Will Rand and Brian Faragher which Will won 4/3. In C Class another junior Zac Bell house was first on 62 with Roman Sammer taking second place on 54 with Les Devlin third on 45. Corina Moffatt won the ladies section with 52 points with Joe Faragher taking the juniors prize on 63.
Nigel Moffatt was third overall on 71 with Paul Mihailovits taking the runners up spot with 74 points but top gun on the day by one point and winning the Will Rand high gun cup was Michael Cross with 75 points.
The leading team was Neil Parsons and Paul Mihailovits on 139 in second place on 136 was Stan and Michael Cross with Dave and Rob Corlett taking third place on 124.
In the handicap team event Roman Sammer and Mark Hepworth were the winners on 193 with juniors Olie Tobin and Joe Faragher in second place on 189 and in third place on 182 was Brian Faragher and Will Rand.
High Gun
- M Cross (75)
- P Mihailovits (74)
- N Moffat (71)
Class A
- N Parsons (65)
- D Corlett (63)
- S Cross (61)
Class B
- L Kirkpatrick (66)
- J Faragher (J)(63)
- W Rand (59)
Class C
- Z Bellhouse (J)(62)
- R Sammer (54)
- L Devlin (45)