Kelly and Mihailovits Medley

Trap Medley, 25 August

The annual Trap Medley was held at Meary Veg Santon in very poor wet and windy conditions.

The first discipline was normal DTL and the leader at this stage was Mike Walker with 66 points, in second place on 64 was Jack Clague with Peter Kelly in third place on 63. The next discipline was Single Barrel DTL and once again Mike Walker was top scorer with another 66 to lead on 132 in second place on 126 was peter Kelly with John Moore now in third place on 122.

The final discipline was ABT and with the weather getting worse the scores reflected this. In  fifth place on 151 was Jack Clague, with John Moore taking forth place on 155, in third place on 159 was are leader after round two Mike Walker on 159 and taking the runners up spot on 161 was Phil Ward, but the winner with 168 hitting 42 in ABT was Peter Kelly.


  1. P Kelly (168)
  2. P Ward (161)
  3. M Walker (159)

Manx Skeet Championship

On bank holiday Monday the Manx Skeet Championship was held kindly sponsored by John Moore.

Paul Mihailovits and Jeff Corkill  led the way after the first round on with Dave Corlett in third place on 18.

Corlett had the best second round scoring 23 to finish in third place on 41, Jeff Corkill was second on 42 but Mihailovits repeated his first round score of 22 to finish on the winner with 44 points.


  1. P Mihailovits (44)
  2. J Corkill (42)
  3. D Corlett (41)
  4. J Moore (38)

NSSA Skeet Championship

In the afternoon the NASSA Skeet championship was held and we had the same first three but this time a shoot off was required to find a winner between Paul Mihailovits and Jeff Corkill who both scored 48 and it was Mihailovits who was the winner by one point with John Moore in third place on 47 followed by Dave Corlett on 43.


  1. P Mihailovits (48+4)
  2. J Corkill (48+3)
  3. J Moore (47)
  4. D Corlett (43)