It has been another busy week at Meary Veg with three competitions taking place:
Pro Sporting League – 3rd Round
First up on Tuesday evening was the third round of the Dave and Pam Corlett
Pro Sporting league with 16 competitors taking part in near ideal conditions. The leader at the half way stage was Alan Wade with a well shot 24, in equal second second place on 22 were Peter Kelly and the Cross boys Stan and Michael with Dave Corlett next on 21. After the final 25 the winner was Alan wade with 45 with Dave Corlett and Michael Cross in equal second place on 42 followed by Peter Kelly on 41 with Mark Riley and Stan Cross in equal fifth place on 40.
A Class
- A wade (24, 21 = 45)
- D Corlett (21, 21 = 42)
- P Kelly (22, 19 = 41)
B Class
- M Cross (jnr) (22, 20 = 42)
- J Moore (18, 19 = 37)
- B Faragher (15, 16 = 31)
C Class
- W Rand (15, 20 = 35)
- A Stepka (15, 14 = 29)
- D Cowin (jnr) (12, 15 = 27)
DTL League – 3rd Round
The next competition on Saturday afternoon was the third round of the Tower
Insurance DTL league with 19 competitors taking part in breezy dry conditions and again Alan wade was the leader at the half way stage hitting a 25 straight for 74 points only second barrelling his last target for a perfect round. In second place on 72 was Mark Riley with Peter Kelly and Neil parsons in equal third place on 71. Alan Wade made no mistake in his second round hitting all targets with his first barrel for a perfect 25/75 for a final score of 50/149 with Mark Riley second on 49/145 followed by Neil Parsons and Peter Kelly on 49/144 .
A Class
- A Wade (50 / 149)
- M Riley (49 / 145)
- P Kelly
N Parsons (49 / 144)
B Class
- D Corlett (47 / 137)
- M Parr (45 / 134)
- S Cross (45 / 125)
C Class
- R Corlett (45 / 128)
- R Moore (40 / 118)
- J Lapa (40 / 110)
IOM Olympic Skeet Championship
The final shoot on Sunday was the IOM Olympic Skeet Championship sponsored
by Sadler Agricultural Supplies with 13 competitors taking part in very wet and windy conditions.
The leader after the first round was junior Ted Davis with 18 with James Bradley and father and son Stan Cross and Michael Cross in equal second place on 17 followed by Jeff Corkill and John Moore on 16.With the weather deteriorating making putting in a good score was difficult but James Bradley managed just that scoring 21 to lead on 38, in equal second place on 34 were Michael Cross and John Moore with Ted Davis and Neil Parsons next on 33. It was status quo after round three with James Bradley leading on 55 followed by Michael Cross and Neil Parsons on 51. After the fourth and final round Dave Clague hit the best round of the day a 22 to finish in third place on 70,Michel Cross also got into the twenties scoring 20 to finish in second place on 71 and also take the junior prize sponsored by Neil Parsons and Stan Cross, but the IOM Olympic skeet champion for 2020 is James Simpson with 72 points – well done James!
- J Bradley (17, 21, 17, 17 = 72)
- M Cross (17, 17, 17, 20 = 71)
- D Clague (14, 16, 18, 22 = 70)
- M Cross (71)
- T Davis (65)

Next week on Saturday is the next round of the Sadler Agricultural supplies ABT league and the Manx Petroleum’s Olympic skeet league, On Sunday is the next round of the Pam and Dave Corlett Pro Sporting league in the morning and in the afternoon the next round of the SMP Parners Sporting league, on bank holiday Monday is the Cross Doubles sponsored by the Cross family, this is a phone in entries shoot, please contact Peter or Stan. Duty officers this Saturday morning are J Moore & D Corlett