Summer DTL Victory for Ward

Summer DTL League, Round Six

The sixth and final round of the Tower Insurance DTL league was held at Meary Veg Santo in extremely windy conditions.

The leader after the first round was Phil Ward with a 23/68 round with B class John Moore in second place on 22/65 followed by Mike walker 21/61 and Stan Cross 22/61 in equal third place. After a short break the second round got under way in even windier conditions and at the end, we had Will Rand in third place in C class on 30/89 , with Mike Whitehead taking second place with 34/101 but winning C class with 117/42 was Stan Cross. Brian Faragher was second in B on 40/116 with John Moore in first place in B as well as high Gun over all on 47/139 ,John even hit a straight in his second round . Mike walker was third in a class on 42/121 with Peter Kelly taking second place with 42/122 and in first place in A was Phil Ward on 45/133.


Class A

  1. P Ward (133)
  2. P Kelly (122)
  3. M Walker (121)

Class B

  1. J Moore (139)
  2. B Faragher (116)

Class C

  1. S Cross (117)
  2. M Whitehead (101)
  3. W Rand (89)

Olympic Skeet League, Round Six

In the afternoon the sixth round of the Manx Petroleum’s Olympic skeet league was held again in very windy conditions and the winner was Giulio Fabrizio with 33 points with Michael Cross in second place on 32 followed by Brian Faragher and Jeff Corkill in equal third place on 31.



  1. G Fabrizio (33)
  2. M Cross (32)
  3. B Faragher (31)
  4. J Corkill (31)

Summer ABT League, Round Six

The sixth and final round of the Sadler Agricultural Supplies ABT league was also held and the winner was Steven Craine on 31 with Phil Ward in second place and Peter Kelly in third place .

Next week is the sixth and final round of the Dave and Pam Corlett Pro Sporting league which is also the final summer league shoot of the year .



  1. S Craine (31)
  2. P Ward (29)
  3. P Kelly (17)

Kelly Clears up in DTL

Summer DTL League, Round Five

The fifth round of the Tower Insurance DTL league was held at Meary Veg Santon with 14 competitors taking part in dull dry conditions.

The leader after the first round was C class shooter Ted Kermeen with a 24/71 score in second place on 24/69 were Michael Cross and Peter Kelly followed by Jack Clague on 23/68 who was the leading B class shooter.

After the second round David Morgan finished in third place in C class on 42/123 with junior Zac Bellhouse taking second place with 44/127 but top of C class with 47/137 was Ted Kermeen. In B class Brian Faragher was third with 43/121 with George Davies taking second place on 43/124 but taking B class and also high gun on the day was super vet Jack Clague with 47/138. In A class Michael Cross and Peter Lowe  were in equal second place on 47/135 and winning A class with 47/137 was Peter Kelly.


Class A

  1. P Kelly (137)
  2. P Lowe (135)
  3. M Cross (135)

Class B

  1. J Clague (138)
  2. G Davies (124)
  3. B Faragher (121)

Class C

  1. T Kermeen (137)
  2. Z Bellhouse (127)
  3. D Morgan (123)

Olympic Skeet League, Round Five

In The afternoon the fifth round of the Manx Petroleum’s Olympic skeet was held, and Stan Cross was the winner on 45 with son Michael Cross in second place on 41 with Brian Faragher in third place on 34.



  1. S Cross (45)
  2. M Cross (41)
  3. B Faragher (34)

ABT League, Round Five

The fifth round of the Sadler Agricultural Supplies ABT league was also held, and the winner was Steven Craine on 37 points with peter Kelly in second place on 34 with Ted Kermeen third on 31.



  1. S Craine (37)
  2. P Kelly (34)
  3. T Kermeen (31)
  4. P Lowe (15)

Kelly and Mihailovits Medley

Trap Medley, 25 August

The annual Trap Medley was held at Meary Veg Santon in very poor wet and windy conditions.

The first discipline was normal DTL and the leader at this stage was Mike Walker with 66 points, in second place on 64 was Jack Clague with Peter Kelly in third place on 63. The next discipline was Single Barrel DTL and once again Mike Walker was top scorer with another 66 to lead on 132 in second place on 126 was peter Kelly with John Moore now in third place on 122.

The final discipline was ABT and with the weather getting worse the scores reflected this. In  fifth place on 151 was Jack Clague, with John Moore taking forth place on 155, in third place on 159 was are leader after round two Mike Walker on 159 and taking the runners up spot on 161 was Phil Ward, but the winner with 168 hitting 42 in ABT was Peter Kelly.


  1. P Kelly (168)
  2. P Ward (161)
  3. M Walker (159)

Manx Skeet Championship

On bank holiday Monday the Manx Skeet Championship was held kindly sponsored by John Moore.

Paul Mihailovits and Jeff Corkill  led the way after the first round on with Dave Corlett in third place on 18.

Corlett had the best second round scoring 23 to finish in third place on 41, Jeff Corkill was second on 42 but Mihailovits repeated his first round score of 22 to finish on the winner with 44 points.


  1. P Mihailovits (44)
  2. J Corkill (42)
  3. D Corlett (41)
  4. J Moore (38)

NSSA Skeet Championship

In the afternoon the NASSA Skeet championship was held and we had the same first three but this time a shoot off was required to find a winner between Paul Mihailovits and Jeff Corkill who both scored 48 and it was Mihailovits who was the winner by one point with John Moore in third place on 47 followed by Dave Corlett on 43.


  1. P Mihailovits (48+4)
  2. J Corkill (48+3)
  3. J Moore (47)
  4. D Corlett (43)

Mihailovits All-Round Champion

The club all round championship sponsored by Paul’s Gun Stocks was held at Meary Veg Santon in dry sunny conditions held over five disciplines.

The leader after the English skeet were Paul Mihailovits, Jeff Corkill, John Moor and junior Zac Bellhouse all with 72 points. After the next discipline, DTL Paul Mihailovits was in the lead on his own with 144 points with junior Zac Bellhouse in second place on 137 followed by John Moore in third place on 134.

Mihailovits was still in the lead after the ABT on 198 but we had Michael Cross in second place now on 191 with Peter Kelly , third on 189. Olympic skeet was next and we had a new leader in Michael Cross on 251 with Paul Mihailovits in second place on 246 with Zac Bellhouse in third place on 245 followed by Brian Faragher in forth place on 241.

The final discipline was sporting, and we had a complete turnaround for the final positions. In sixth place overall was junior Zac Bellhouse with 278 points, fifth place went to Brian Faragher on 280 with Stan Cross taking forth place on 287, one point ahead in third place was Peter Kelly on 288, runner up with 302 points was Michael Cross but winning the Club All Round Championship with 312 points was Paul Mihailovits, well shot Paul.


High Gun

  1. P Mihailovits (312)

Class A

  1. M Cross (302)
  2. P Kelly (288)
  3. J Moore (272)

Class B

  1. S Cross (287)
  2. B Faragher (280)
  3. Z Bellhouse (J)(278)

Class C

  1. A Vishnjov (208)
  2. M Whitehead (181)

Bumper League Weekend

It was a busy weekend at Meary Veg with four league shoots taking place. First up was the fourth round of The Tower Insurance DTL league held in near perfect conditions.

Summer DTL League, Round Four

We a tie for the lead after the first round between Peter Kelly and Phil Ward with 25/73 straights, in equal third place was Mike Whitehead with a 25/72 straight closely followed by lady shooter Lyn McCloud with a 25/71 straight.

At the end of the second round Mike Whitehead finished in third place in C class on 46/134, in second place on 47/136 was Ted Kermeen and in first place on 46/137 was Rob Marshall. John Moore was second in B class on 42/120 with Calum Craine taking B with 48/140.

Peter Kelly was third in A class on 44/123 with Manx champion Mike Walker in second place on 48/142 ,Mike having a perfect 25/75 in his second round, but winning with 50 straight and 148 points was Phil Ward who also had a perfect 25 straight in his second round which also earned him the Ian Faragher High gun cup.


Class A

  1. P Ward (148)
  2. M Walker (142)
  3. P Kelly (123)

Class B

  1. C Craine (140)
  2. J Moore (120)

Class C

  1. R Marshall (137)
  2. T Kermeen (136)
  3. M whitehead (134)

Olympic Skeet League, Round Four

The next event was the fourth round of the Manx Petroleum’s Olympic skeet league with the Parkinson high gun cup up for grabs.

The joint leaders after the first round were Jeff Corkill and Ted Davis on 21 with Stan Cross next on 20. At the end of the second round Jeff Corkill and Stan Cross finished in joint second place on 39 but pipping them with a total of 40 points and winning the Parkinson cup was Ted Davis.



  1. T Davis (40)
  2. S Cross (39)
  3. J Corkill (39)

ABT League, Round Four

The next shoot was the forth round of the Sadler Agricultural Supplies ABT league. The leader after the first round was Phil Ward with 22 points, in equal second place on 21 were Rob Watterson and Calum Craine. Calum Craine finished in third place on 41 with Phil Ward and Rob Watterson in equal first place on 43.



  1. P Ward (43)
  2. R Watterson (43)
  3. C Craine (41)

ABT League, Round Three

The final shoot of the day was the postponed Sadler Agricultural Supplies ABT league and the joint winners were Stevie Craine and Rob Watterson with 44 points with Peter Kelly in third place on 37.

There was two cups to be won the first one the J D Faulkner High gun cup and we had the have a sudden death shoot of for this and Rob Watterson was the winner by one. The second cup was the Peter Kelly handicap cup and this went to Ted Kermeen with a total of 50



  1. S Craine (44)
  2. R Watterson (44)
  3. P Kelly (37)