The club all round championship sponsored by Paul’s Gun Stocks was held at Meary Veg Santon in dry sunny conditions held over five disciplines.
The leader after the English skeet were Paul Mihailovits, Jeff Corkill, John Moor and junior Zac Bellhouse all with 72 points. After the next discipline, DTL Paul Mihailovits was in the lead on his own with 144 points with junior Zac Bellhouse in second place on 137 followed by John Moore in third place on 134.
Mihailovits was still in the lead after the ABT on 198 but we had Michael Cross in second place now on 191 with Peter Kelly , third on 189. Olympic skeet was next and we had a new leader in Michael Cross on 251 with Paul Mihailovits in second place on 246 with Zac Bellhouse in third place on 245 followed by Brian Faragher in forth place on 241.
The final discipline was sporting, and we had a complete turnaround for the final positions. In sixth place overall was junior Zac Bellhouse with 278 points, fifth place went to Brian Faragher on 280 with Stan Cross taking forth place on 287, one point ahead in third place was Peter Kelly on 288, runner up with 302 points was Michael Cross but winning the Club All Round Championship with 312 points was Paul Mihailovits, well shot Paul.
High Gun
- P Mihailovits (312)
Class A
- M Cross (302)
- P Kelly (288)
- J Moore (272)
Class B
- S Cross (287)
- B Faragher (280)
- Z Bellhouse (J)(278)
Class C
- A Vishnjov (208)
- M Whitehead (181)