As another successful summer season comes to an end the committee have a few announcements to make, including changes to membership fees.
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Chairman’s Newsletter
December 2021
Hi All
At the Annual AGM which was held on Sunday 12th December the new officials that were elected are:
Patron | David Morgan |
President | Rob Marshall |
Vice Presidents | T Waterhouse, P Waterhouse, P Fabrizio, D Clague |
Chairman | Peter Kelly |
Vice Chairman | Will Rand |
Secretary | Nicky Barnett |
Treasurer | Stan Cross |
Committee | J Cowley, B Faragher, T Davis, G Davis, S Craine, M Barnett |
MCTSA Reps | Any two committee members |
Auditor | D Morgan |
A short committee meeting was held after the AGM to set the fees for the 2022 season and the following were voted upon:
- Senior Membership: Increased to £70.00
- Junior Membership: – To remain at £5-00 but must be paid before their 21st birthday
- All competition and practice fees (per round of 25 targets) to remain the same: £5.50 for Seniors, £3.00 for Juniors, £8-00 for senior non-members and £4-00 for junior non-members
N.B. A Junior who becomes 21 in the year will then have to pay Senior rates from then on and will also not be eligible for any Junior prizes (this is in line with the MCTSA and English CPSA).
Membership can be paid anytime from now on, online or at the club house. Bank Details are as follows:
- Account No: 13191756
- Sort Code: 55-91-00
- Reference: Membership
The Wednesday afternoon clubs Christmas party in on the 22nd with a small team competition between those that attend, so can you turn up on time to get a good start please 12:00 to 12:30)
The format for the Pre-Christmas shoot will be 20 Double Rise, 20 Skeet Doubles and 20 Pro Sporting with an entry fee of £15. The prizes are meat prizes with High gun and A, B, C,1st,2nd,3rd class prizes and a team event will also be included. The prizes are being sponsored by the club as a way of thanking the members for there support over the year. Entries close at 10am.
The main Christmas shoot is 50 Single Barrel DTL on Monday 27th December with a prize presentation/meal at the Crosby Hotel afterwards commencing at 5pm so get your name down ASAP only a few tickets left.
The shoot is being sponsored once again by Top Spec Fencing with Highgun, Handicap Cups up for grabs and also the Phil Yewdall non-members cup being shot for, if you have a friend that would like to take part bring them along (they must not be a member of any clay target club to be eligible to win the Phil Yewdall Cup). Entries close at 10am
The summer fixture list will be out Mid -January with some surprises included.
All the best for 2022
Newsletter – February 2021
Hi Members
Once again we had another lock down but fortunately it was only for 3 weeks. The committee has decided reduce the winter leagues from 4 to 3 with the best 2 to count. A revised fixture list is on the reverse of the newsletter. All the prizes for all leagues will be given out at the Winter All Round on February 20th so please turn up to pick any prizes you may have won.
Membership Fees
All membership Fees and entry fees are staying the same at present as long as prices for clays and cartridges stay the same Membership fees can now be paid at the club house or by BACS.
IOM Clay Pigeon Club SORT 559100 ACC 13191756 REF MEMBERSHIP
Please tex Stan to let him know you have paid by BACS
N.B. If you have not paid your membership you will be charged Non Members rates if you come to shoot and if in competition your scores will not be counted and you will not be eligible for any prizes also if you have not paid by the end of February you will have to reapply to join the club as per the constitution so please pay your membership.
Xmas shoots
Both Christmas shoots were well attended with a record 62 entries for the main shoot as well we had 75 sitting down for a splendid meal at the Crosby Hotel afterwards, many thanks to Top Spec Fencing for sponsoring the event once again.
Wednesdays, Saturdays
The range reopened on Wednesday 3rd February at 12-30 then on Saturday 6th February at 10am. The rotas for Wednesdays and Saturdays will just continue as per lists. Anyone that can help with range duty rotas please see Peter.
Fixtures for 2021
The fixtures have now been finalized and can be downloaded from the web or collected from the clubhouse. We are glad to say that all are main sponsors are once again on board with one or two additions. We have also being allocated the IOM Sporting Championship, a first for the club.
Web site
The web site is at present being upgraded by Mark Barnett we additional tabs for news, history, photos etc, if you have any old pictures of shooting in the past please can you let Mark have them and he will sort through them and put the best on the web.
Steven Rand has been busy in lock down making gun stands for us, many thanks Steven.
We are also in the process of putting together a wish list for upgrades on the range with the hope we can get some financial help from the sports council. Once we get some better weather we will be having work parties to do some of the work, so keep yourselves handy to help with the work
That’s all for now
Good shooting