A Positively Summery end to Winter

Results from the Club All-Rounder

Our annual Winter All Round Championship was held at Meary Veg, Santon and was sponsored by Cu Plas Callow, Utopia Hair Salon and Brian Faragher, with 23 competitors taking part in near perfect conditions.

With DTL and English skeet being held at the same time the leader board at this stage saw Brian Faragher leading with 146 points having hit a perfect straight in English skeet and also a straight in DTL for 71 points. In second place on 141 was Michael Cross (J) who also had a straight in DTL scoring 72 points followed by George Davies on 135 with Paul Mihailovits one back in forth place on 134. In fifth place on 133 was Dave Corlett with Mike Walker making up the top six on 127.

The Pro Sporting was shot in reverse order over 25 targets once all the scores were calibrated. Nicky Barnett was the leading lady on 144, in the junior section David Cowin was forth on 125 with Joe Faragher taking third place on 154. In second place on 161 was Arran Wade but the run away winner on 192 was Michael Cross (J). Mark Riley was eighth overall on 163 with Will Rand taking seventh place on 170, one behind George Davies in sixth place on 171 who was two behind Paul Mihailovits in fifth place on 173. Dave Corlett took fourth place on 175 with Giulio Fabrizio bringing home third on 179 mainly thanks to hitting the best score in the sporting. Brian Faragher finished in second place on 185 but the overall winner on 192 was Michael Cross (J) who also took the junior prize as well as the team prize with Will Rand. Details in full on our results page.

Overall Positions
  1. M Cross (J) (192)
  2. B Faragher (185)
  3. G Fabrizio (179)
  4. D Corlett (175)
  5. P Mihailovits (173)
  6. G Davies (171)
  7. W Rand (170)
  8. M Riley (163)
  1. M Cross (J) (192)
  2. A Wade (J) (161)
  3. J Faragher (J) (154)
  1. N Barnett (L) (144)
  1. M Cross (J)
    W Rand (362)
  2. G Davies
    B Faragher (356)

All the prizes were presented after the shoot along with all the winter league prizes which can be picked up at the club house for those not able to make it. Next week is a work party for to get ready for the summer season.

All-Round Winners (left-to-right): Paul Mihailovits, Pietro Fabrizio, Will Rand, Giulio Fabrizio, Arran Wade, Peter Kelly, Micheal Cross, Dave Corlett, Joe Faragher, Nicky Barnett, Stan Cross, Brian Faragher, David Cowin

Winter Sporting Update

Pro Sporting League – 3rd Round

The third round of the Winter series Pro Sporting league was held at Meary Veg Santon with twenty competitors taking part in cold dry sunny conditions.

The leader at the half way stage was John Moore with 22 points, in second place on 20 was Michael Cross, with Andy Morgan next on 19, followed by Alan Wade, Brian Faragher and Dean Marchbank on 18. After the second twenty five Alan Wright finished in third place in C class on 19, with junior David Cowin in second place on 33, the winner of C class with 36 points was Mark Barnett. In B class Dean Marchbank and Jackie Clague were in equal second place on 34, with Brian Faragher taking B class with 35 points. In A class Alan Wade was third on 38, with John Moore taking second place on 40, in first place with a score of 41 and high gun on the day was junior Michael Cross.


A Class

  1. M Cross Jnr (21, 20 = 41)
  2. J Moore (18, 22 = 40)
  3. A Wade (18, 20 = 38)

B Class

  1. B Faragher (17, 18 = 35)
  2. D Marchbank (16, 18 = 34)
    J Clague (15, 19 = 34)

C Class

  1. M Barnett (21, 15 = 36)
  2. D Cowin Jnr (14, 19 = 33)
  3. A Wright (7, 12 = 19)

Next week is the third round of the Utopia Hair Salon winter series English Skeet league, entries close at 10am. Duty officers this week are J Moore & N Barnett

Pro Sporting Winter League – 1st Round

The first round of the Winter Series Pro Sporting League sponsored by Stan Cross was held at Meary Veg, Santon with 18 competitors taking part in dull and wild conditions, which also had the Victor Annand cup up for grabs .

The leader after the first 25 was Neil Parsons with 22 points, in second place on 21 was Michael Cross, with George Davies third on 20. At the end of the second round Peter Fabrizio and Nicky Barnett finished in equal second place in C class on 27 points, with Mark Barnett taking C class with 35 points. In B class Giulio Fabrizio and George Davies were in equal second place on 37, with Junior Arran Wade taking the class and equal highgun on 39 points. In A class Neil Parsons was third on 37, with Stan Cross second on 38, taking A class and also equal high gun was junior Michael Cross on 39 points.

The Victor Annand cup presented to the highest person who is on the Saturday rota or a referee was won by Michel Cross.


A Class

  1. M Cross (22, 18 = 39)
  2. S Cross (18, 20 = 38)
  3. N Parsons (22, 16 = 38)

B Class

  1. A Wade Jnr (17, 22 = 39)
  2. G Davies (20, 17 = 37)
    G Fabrizio (16, 21 = 37)

C Class

  1. M Barnett (17, 18 = 35)
  2. N Barnett (15, 12 = 27)
    P Fabrizio (14, 13 = 27)

It is the annual dinner on Saturday 7th November and as it is remembrance Sunday on the 8th the range will be closed as a sign of respect to the fallen.

Final Round of Sporting Leagues

SMP Partners Sporting League – 6th Round

The sixth and final round of the SMP Partners Sporting League was held at Meary Veg, Santon with 26 competitors taking part in dry cloudy conditions.

Stan Cross was the leader after the first two stands on 14, in second place on 13 were Juan Cowley and Kevin Oates, followed by Ben Richards on 12. Stan Cross increased his lead after the next two stands to three having a running total of 26, with Ben Richards and Jamie Hancox in equal second place on 23, followed by Juan Cowley and Nigel Moffatt on 22. It was all change after the last two stands with Juan Cowley cleaning the stands to tie with Stan Cross on 40 points for first place in A class, third in A went to Ben Richards on 35. Alan Wade won B class with 35 points, in second place on 34 was Giulio Fabrizio, with John Moore taking third place on 30. The juniors cleaned up in C class with Joe Faragher taking the class on 31 second place went to Allana Wade on 26 with David Cowin in third place on 20.


A Class

  1. S Cross (40)
    J Cowley (40)
  2. B Richards (35)

B Class

  1. A Wade (35)
  2. G Fabrizio (34)
  3. J Moore (30)

C Class

  1. J Faragher Jnr (31)
  2. All Wade Jun Lady (26)
  3. D Cowin Jur (20)

Dave and Pam Corlett Pro Sporting League – Last Round

In the afternoon the last round of the Dave and Pam Corlett Pro Sporting league was held with 20 competitors taking part again in dry conditions.

In C class David Cowin was second on 28, with Joe Faragher again taking first in class with 33 points. In B class John Moore and Jack Clague were in equal third place on 34, second place went to Arran Wade on 36, but once again Ben Richards took the class prize with 39 points. In A class Stan Cross was third on 38, with Marty Kneen taking second place on 39, but top of the class with 45 points and the only person to score more than 20 on each range was Alan Wade.


A Class

  1. A Wade (23, 22 = 45)
  2. M Kneen (23, 16 = 39)
  3. S Cross (23, 15 = 38)

B Class

  1. B Richards (20, 19 = 39)
  2. Arr Wade Jnr (21, 15 = 36)
  3. J Moore (22, 12 = 34)
    J Clague (17, 17 = 34)

C Class

  1. J Faragher Jnr (18, 15 = 33)
  2. D Cowin (15, 13 = 28)

Next week is the last round of the Colin Bowen Memorial English Skeet league . Duty officers this week are J Moore & D Corlett

Sporting & Pro Sporting League – 5th Round

Dave and Pam Corlett Pro Sporting

The fifth round of the Dave and Pam Corlett Pro Sporting league was held at Meary Veg Santon in near ideal conditions.

The leader after the first 25 was Stan Cross with 22 points, in second place on 21 was John Moore with Alan Wade third on 20. After the second 25 we had a three way tie for first place in C class with Mark Barnet, and juniors David Cowin and Joe Faragher all scoring 33 points. In B class Brian Faragher was second on 29 with John Moore taking first place on 39. Dave Corlett was third in A class with 34 points with Alan Wade taking second place on 40 but top of the class with 45 points was Stan Cross.


A Class

  1. S Cross (45)
  2. A Wade (40)
  3. D Corlett (34)

B Class

  1. J Moore (39)
  2. B Faragher (29)

C Class

  1. D Cowin Jnr (33)
    J Faragher Jnr (33)
    M Barnet (33)

SMP Partners Sporting

In the afternoon we had the fifth round of the SMP Partners Sporting league again in ideal conditions.

We had a four way tie for first place after the first stand with Dave Corlett, Alan Wade, John Moore and Brian Faragher all scoring 9. Alan Wade was in the lead on his own after stand two with a running total of 18, John Moore was second on 17 with Dave Corlett third on 16. John Moore was the new leader after stand three on 25 with Dave Corlett and Alan wade in equal second place on 24. Moore was still in the lead after stand four on 27 with Corlett and Wade still equal in second place on 26 along with Cross who cleaned stand four to also be on 26.

Dave Corlett was the new leader after stand five on 34 with John Moore and Stan Cross in equal second place on 33 followed by Wade on 32. After the sixth and last stand Nicky Barnet was in third place in C class with 27 points, in second place on 31 was Joe Faragher with Mark Barnet taking C class with 35 points.

Brian Faragher was third in B class on 30 with John Moore taking second place on 39 and Alan Wade taking first place on 40. In A class Peter Kelly was third on 32 with Stan Cross taking second place on 38 but top of the class and highgun on the day was Dave Corlett with 41 points.


A Class

  1. D Corlett (41)
  2. S Cross (38)
  3. P Kelly (32)

B Class

  1. A Wade (40)
  2. J Moore (39)
  3. B Faragher (30)

C Class

  1. M Barnet (35)
  2. J Faragher jnr (31)
  3. N Barnett ldy (27)

Next week on Saturday at 1-30 pm is an English skeet selection shoot and on Sunday is the fifth round of the Colin Bowen English skeet league. Duty officers this week are J Cowley & J Corkill