Tower Insurance DTL League
The final round of the Tower Insurance DTL league was held at Meary Veg, Santon with 18 competitors taking part in dull but dry conditions.
The leader after the first round was John Moore who hit a 25/74 straight, in second place on 24/71 was junior Arran Wade, with Arthur Stepka, Peter Kelly and Mike Parr in equal third place on 24/69. After the second round David Cowin finished in third place in C class with 108 points, in second place on 122 was Peter Fabrizio, with Rob Corlett taking C class with 134 points. George Davies was third in B class with 131 points, second place went to Arthur Hayes on 134, with Mike Parr winning B class with 137 points. Mike Walker was third in A class with 138 points, with Arthur Stepka taking second place on 139 but top gun on the day with 50 straight was John Moore with 146 points.
A Class
- J Moore (50/146)
- A Stepka (48/139)
- M Walker (47/138)
B Class
- M Parr (46/137)
- A Hayes (45/134)
- G Davies (45/131)
C Class
- R Corlett (46/134)
- P Fabrizio (43/122)
- D Cowin Jnr (39/108)
Sadler Agricultural Supplies ABT League
In the afternoon the last round of the Sadler Agricultural Supplies ABT league was held and the joint winners were father and son Alan and Arran Wade with 44 points, in third place on 41 was Peter Kelly, with Mike Walker forth on 40, followed by John Moore on 38, and making up the top six was Arthur Hayes on 37.
Manx Petroleum’s Olympic Skeet League
The last round of the Manx Petroleum’s Olympic skeet league was also held and the winner was James Bradley with 46 points, followed by David Clague on 39, and junior Ted Davis on 36.
Next week is the last shoot of the summer season which is 50 Manx Skeet sponsored by John Moore. Duty officers this week are J Cowley & J Corkill