DTL League, Round Five
It was another busy day at Meary Veg with three competitions taking place.
First up was the fifth round of the Tower Insurance DTL league held in near ideal conditions.
The joint leaders after the first round were Mike Walker and Peter Kelly on 69 points in equal third place on 66 were Phil Ward and Stan Cross with junior Arran Wade, John Moore and Mark Riley next on 65.
After the second round the final results were in C class Brian Kelly was second with 86 points with Mike Whitehead in first place in C on 129. Ted Kermeen was third in B on 108 with Stan Cross taking second place on 116 but winning B class with 122 points was Dave Corlett.
In A class Phil Ward was in third place with 135 points with Arran Wade taking second place with 138 but just piping him for highgun by one point was Mike Walker with 139 points.
Class A
- M Walker (139)
- Arr Wade (138)
- P Ward (135)
Class B
- D Corlett (122)
- S Cross (116)
- E Kermeen (108)
Class C
- M Whitehead (129)
- B Kelly (86)
Full Results

Olympic Skeet League, Round Five
The second shoot of the day was the fifth round of the Manx Petroleum’s Olympic skeet league which had the Parkinson Highgun cup up for grabs.
In first place also winning the Parkinson cup was James Bradley with 41 points, in second place on 40 was Stan Cross with Ted Davis third on 32. The handicap winner was Mike Whitehead with 40 points.
- Arr Wade (J)(49)
- A Wade (49)
- S Craine (45)
- M Riley (44)
- S Skinner (43)
Full Results
ABT League, Round Five
The third and final shoot was the fifth round of the Sadler Agricultural Supplies ABT league.
The joint leaders after the first round were Father and son Alan and Arran Wade with both hitting 25 straights, in third place on 23 was Steven Craine with Mark Riley and Stan Skinner in equal fourth place on 22.
With both Wades shooting along side each other in squad two it going to be interesting to see who cracked first in the second round and it was Alan who missed his ninth target, so all eyes were on junior Arran to see if he could get 50 straight but it didn’t as he missed his 19th target to finish on 24 for a total of 49, but dad Alan, who never gives up, ground a score out, chipping second barrelling a lot of his targets to finish also with a 24 to tie with Arran on 49, Steven Craine was third with 45 points.
- J Bradley (41)
- S Cross (41)
- T Davis (32)
Full Results